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City of Kamiah City Council Meeting Minutes March 9th, 2022, at 6:00 PM


City of Kamiah

City Council

Meeting Minutes

March 9th, 2022, at 6:00 PM


Betty Heater, Mayor

Council Members:  Genese Simler, James Kelly, Scott Moffett, Kaylee Hunt

Guests:  See attached sign in sheet


Mayor Heater called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM


Pledge of Allegiance


Motion to Approve Emergency Amended Agenda was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member James Kelly.  Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye, Kaylee Hunt aye.


Motion to Approve Consent Agenda was made by Council Member Kaylee Hunt and seconded by Council Member James Kelly.  Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye, Kaylee Hunt aye.


Discuss / Approve Appointing Mike Tornatore as our Planning and Zoning Administrator: Motion to appoint Mike as our Planning and Zoning Administrator was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member James Kelly. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye, Kaylee Hunt aye.


Discuss / Approve Back Up Blower Motor: The WWTP needs to replace the motor in the back up blower.  The estimate to purchase new is $2,000.  Motion to approve the purchase was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye, Kaylee Hunt aye.


Discuss / Approve SLFRF (State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund) Administrator for Reporting ARPA Funds: It was discussed that City Clerk Brenda Taylor be appointed the SLFRF Account Administrator, the Point of Contact, and the Authorized Representative for Reporting. The first report is to be complete by April 30th, 2022. A motion to appoint Brenda was made by Council Member James Kelly and seconded by Council Member Kaylee Hunt. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye, Kaylee Hunt aye.


Discuss / Approve Tennant Move In Move Out- Mike Tornatore: With the increased buying and selling of properties and the turnover of tenants in rental properties, the City of Kamiah would like to make a resolution regarding move in & move outs.  As it stands the city is having to act as a debt collector and data administrator.  We are wanting to change business for the better by removing the city as the middleman.  It is the property owner’s responsibility to make sure that the utility bill is paid every month by the 10th.  The city will be sending out a notification in April explaining our new billing system and we will be ready to assist in helping property owners set up their automatic billing accounts.  Motion to approve this resolution was made by Council Member James Kelly and seconded by Council Member Kaylee Hunt. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye, Kaylee Hunt aye.


Discuss / Approve Reduced Utility Bill Rate for Snow-Birds: There is an ordinance in place that allows “Snow Birds” to pay only the bond portion of their utility bill while they are away and not living in their primary homes.  We have had many instances where people have lost their home, or a family member has passed, and these individuals are still required to pay the entire utility bill for their property even though no one is living there. In an event to make things fair across the board we feel everyone should be treated the same therefore there will no longer be a snowbird rate.  Motion to approve the new ordinance was made by Council Member James Kelly and seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye, Kaylee Hunt aye


Discuss / Approve Amendment of our Dog Ordinance-Betty Heater: We would like to make some changes to the dog ordinance. The license fees will stay the same $6.00 for spayed or neutered dogs and $10.00 for non-spayed or non-neutered dogs. The first offense impound fee will increase to $30.00 and will include a dog license at the time of release.  Second offense will be $50.00 third offense $75.00 and so on.  There is a $5.00 a day fee for food and a $30 fee for pick up service. The motion to approve the new ordinance was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member Kaylee Hunt.  Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye, Kaylee Hunt aye.


Discuss / Approve City Apparel for Work Staff:  It has been discussed that a city logo top would be nice for city workers to wear when out promoting city functions.  It was decided since the summer is approaching that we purchase vests for all public works, council, and city workers.  Each vest is approximately $50.00 and will be designed by Cedar Creek Creations.  Motion to approve the purchase of city apparel was made Council Member Kaylee Hunt and seconded by Council Member James Kelly. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye, Kaylee Hunt aye.


Discuss / Approve Canceling the City Fire Tax ID # and Monthly KFR Report-Bill Arsenault: Chief Arsenault was unable to attend and both topics have been tabled until our next meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:24 PM


Next Meeting:  March 23rd, 2022

“All agendas are posted in accordance with Idaho Code Title 74.”




___________________________                                           ____________________________

Betty Heater, Mayor                                                               Brenda Taylor, City Clerk