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 City of Kamiah, Idaho June 14th, 2023 @ 6:00 PM Meeting to Be Held at City Hall


 City of Kamiah, Idaho

June 14th, 2023 @ 6:00 PM

Meeting to Be Held at City Hall

Mayor Betty Heater                             

Council Members:  Genese Simler, James Kelly, Scott Moffett


Call to Order:


Pledge of Allegiance

Approve Agenda (ACTION)


Approve Consent Agenda: (ACTION)

  • Approve Minutes from Regular City Council Meeting on 05-24-23 (ACTION)
  • Approve Monthly Interim Bills for May, 2023 $ 58,222.56   (ACTION)
  • Approve Park Permits (ACTION)
    • Rebecca Massey June 25th, 4PM to 10PM Marriage Ceremony
    • Bob Johnson June 30th, 10AM to 3PM Memorial
    • Kathy Dawes July 14th, 5PM to 8:30PM Lewis County Democrats


Public Comments

Unfinished Business

Bryan Drive Booster Station – Mike Tornatore


Discussion Item

Discuss / Approve Lewis County Prosecutors Contract- Zach Pall (ACTION)

Discuss / Approve Lewis County Contract – Jason Davis (ACTION)
Discuss / Approve Salaries for Fire Chief Dan Demarco and Firefighter Vince Missman (ACTION)

Discuss / Approve Purchasing Fuel for Kamiah Airport (ACTION)

Discuss / Approve Adding June 19th -Juneteenth as a Paid Holiday for the City of Kamiah (ACTION)

Discuss / Approve Amended Keller Association Contract for Bryan Dr Booster Station from $5,000 to $7,100 (ACTION)  

Discuss KFR Monthly Report-Dan DeMarco

Next Meeting:  June 28th, 2023

All /agendas are posted in accordance with Idaho Code Title 74