Nimiipuu Health
Nimiipuu Health has two locations to serve its patients. The Lapwai Clinic is located in Lapwai, Idaho, also known as The Land of the Butterflies, approximately 13 miles from Lewiston in North Central Idaho. The current clinic is a new 43,000 square foot building that opened in 2004. The Lapwai facility offers comprehensive clinical services including medical care, lab and x-ray services, pharmacy, dental care, physical therapy, optometry, mental health and substance abuse services, and a wide variety of community health services. services not provided on site may be available through contract health services.
The Indian Health Service provided healthcare to the Nez Perce Tribe unstil 1997 when the tribe took over under P.L. 93-638 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. The Tribe has since transitioned into a Self-Governance Compact in 2002, which allows the Tribe more autonomy and flexibility. This has enabled the Tribe to reallocate funds to best suit the needs of its population and to access other source of funding such as grants for program expansion and construction.
The second ambulatory clinic is located in Kamiah, Idaho approximately 72 miles Southeast of Lapwai. A new 7,000 square foot health facility for the Kamiah area was opened in 2001 and offers medical, dental, behavior health, and community health services on site.

Nimiipuu Health Clinic
Nimiipuu Health Clinic Lapwai
111 Bever Grade
Lapwai, Idaho 83540
View Website
Nimiipuu Health Clinic Kamiah
313 3rd St.
Kamiah, Idaho 83536
View Website