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City of Kamiah City Council Meeting Minutes June 28th, 2023 @ 6:00 PM



City of Kamiah

City Council

Meeting Minutes

June 28th, 2023 @ 6:00 PM



Mayor: Betty Heater

Council Members:  Genese Simler, James Kelly, Scott Moffett

Guests:  See Attached Sign In Sheet


Mayor Heater called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM


Pledge of Allegiance


Motion to Approve Agenda was made by Council Member James Kelly and seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Before approval of the consent agenda, Mayor Heater has asked to remove the CVRA Rodeo Beverage Alcohol Permit.  The rodeo takes place in Idaho County not Lewis. Motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Council Member James Kelly and seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Public Comments:  Lonalee Hogland attended the council meeting expressing concerns about the water line on Joshua and 13th Streets that needs to be replaced.   We had arrangements with Debco, but due to staffing issues they withdrew from the contract, and we have yet to find a new contractor to do this job.


Unfinished Business: There was no unfinished business.


Discuss / Approve Variance @ 518 Oak Street in Kamiah.  All documents have been signed and notarized.  Motion to approve this variance was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member James Kelly. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve closing City Hall on Monday July 3 making the 4th of July a 4-day weekend.  Motion to approve closing an extra day, without pay, was made by Council Member James Kelly, and seconded by Council President Genese Simler. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve Purchasing a Broadcasting Device for meetings at City Hall.  This device is called an OWL and will make streaming our meetings more efficient and professional.  Motion to approve the purchase of an OWL was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member James Kelly. Roll Call Vote Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Meeting Adjourned @ 6:08 PM


Next Meeting: July 12, 2023


“All agendas are posted in accordance with Idaho Code Title 74.”




___________________________                                           ____________________________

Betty Heater, Mayor                                                               Brenda Taylor, City Clerk