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City of Kamiah, Idaho July 26th, 2023 @ 6:00 PM Meeting to Be Held at City Hall AMENDED


City of Kamiah, Idaho

July 26th, 2023 @ 6:00 PM

Meeting to Be Held at City Hall



Mayor Betty Heater                             

Council Members:  Genese Simler, James Kelly, Scott Moffett


Call to Order:


Pledge of Allegiance

Approve Agenda (ACTION)


Approve Consent Agenda: (ACTION)

  • Approve Minutes from Regular City Council Meeting on 07-12-23 (ACTION)
  • Approve Park & Parade Permits:
    • Chief Looking Glass Pow Wow Parade August 19,2023 6PM to 7PM (ACTION)
    • BBQ Days Parade September 2,2023 10AM to 12PM (ACTION)


Public Comments

Unfinished Business


Discussion Item

  • Discuss / Approve removing public comments from the agenda. Public comments will still be allowed but will require an agenda request form (ACTION)
  • Discuss / Approve a new weed trimmer for the street and park department. We have 2 estimates ranging from $489 to $529. (ACTION)
  • Discuss / Approve Adding a Loading Zone on Fourth Street for 402 Main (ACTION)
  • Discuss / Approve Resolution for KFR-Scott Courtney: Permission to begin discovery for additional pricing for emergency services (ACTION)
  • Discuss / Approve Medical Bills (ACTION)
  • Discuss / Approve EMT Mike Grogan’s hourly pay increase to $17.00 hour (ACTION)
  • Discuss / Approve hiring an EMT for $17.00 an hour-Dan DeMarco (ACTION)
    Discuss / Approve hiring a Paramedic for $23.00 an hour-Dan DeMarco (ACTION)
  • Maintenance Report- Justin Lycan


Next Meeting:  August 9th, 2023

All /agendas are posted in accordance with Idaho Code Title 74