City of Kamiah City Council Meeting Minutes August 9, 2023 @ 6:00 PM
City of Kamiah
City Council
Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2023 @ 6:00 PM
Mayor: Betty Heater
Council Members: Genese Simler, James Kelly, Scott Moffett
Guests: See Attached Sign In Sheet
Mayor Heater called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion to Approve Amended Agenda was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member James Kelly. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.
Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Council Member Scott Moffett and seconded by Council Member James Kelly. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.
Unfinished Business- There wasn’t any unfinished business.
Discuss / Approve the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 in the amount of $3,247,315
Motion to approve the budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member James Kelly. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.
Discuss / Approve Simmons Sanitation CPI increase of 4.5% for fiscal year 2023-2024. The motion to approve the increase for Simmons Sanitation was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member James Kelly. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.
Discuss / Approve Changing Mike Grogan’s fire fighter status to Fire Fighter/ EMT and giving him a pay increase from $14. to $17. Motion to approve the job type and pay increase was made by Council Member James Kelly and seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.
Discuss Drainage Issue on North Hill and First Street- Justin Lycan: This has been an ongoing issue for years. The engineering company who installed the water drainage system did an inadequate job. The system consists of 18” culverts and when a flash flood takes place as it did last week, there was way too much water for the culverts to handle. This flash flood had over 50 acres of water run off and it all backed up at the corner of Hill and 1st. Justin Lycan, Kamiah Public Works Director, suggested replacing the culvert with a 48” system all the way down. Mike Tornatore has already been discussing this with FEMA and a grant for this project has been applied for.
Discuss KFR Monthly Report-Billy Monahan: KFR had 72 calls for service in the month of July. Of those calls 59 were EMS related and 13 were fire related. The Fire Department is doing a wonderful job of keeping everything moving in a positive direction. They are getting new volunteers weekly and have added a couple full-time Fire Fighter/EMT to their staff. They stated that an auto aid agreement is very close to being signed and that regional training went well. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
Motion to go into Executive Session Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 74-206(1) based on the following statutory disclosure requirements (a) (b) to consider personal matters was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member James Kelly at 6:15PM. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett aye.
Reenter Executive Session at 6:25PM. Discuss / Approve MFT, INC. Grant Writing Contract. Motion to increase this contract was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member James Kelly. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, James Kelly aye, Scott Moffett, aye.
Meeting Adjourned @ 6:26 PM
Next Meeting: August 23, 2023
“All agendas are posted in accordance with Idaho Code Title 74.”
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Betty Heater, Mayor Brenda Taylor, City Clerk