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City of Kamiah City Council Meeting Minutes January 10, 2024 @ 6:00 PM



City of Kamiah

City Council

Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2024 @ 6:00 PM



Mayor: Betty Heater

Council Members:  Genese Simler, David Redden, Scott Moffett

Guests:  See Attached Sign In Sheet


Mayor Heater called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM


Pledge of Allegiance


Motion to Approve Agenda was made by Council President Genese Simler and Seconded by Council Member David Redden. Roll Call Vote Genese Simler aye, Scott Moffett aye, David Redden aye.


Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member David Redden. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discussion Items:

Discuss / Approve Renewing MFT Grant Writing Contract for 2024.  Motion to approve this contract was made by Council Member Scott Moffett and seconded by Council President Genese Simler. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve Monthly and Interim Bills for December 2023 in the amount of $37,233.08. The Motion was made by Council Member David Redden and seconded by Council President Genese Simler. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve the Jet Boat Races finishing the race at River Front Park on June 14-16.

Chris Barger attended the meeting to discuss ideas for making the races better.  Some ideas include a BBQ, Show and Shine, Beer Garden and Local Vendors.  Motion to approve the use of River Front Park was made by Council Member David Redden and seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve Giving Public Works Member Michael MacMenamin a pay increase.  Motion to approve this pay increase was made by Council Member Genese Simler and Seconded by Council Member David Redden.  Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve a Sewer Vault Cover for Bryan Drive Booster Station.  The Estimate is $700 and is required by the DEQ.  Motion to approve a new cover was made by Council President Genese Simler and Seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss Airport Update: Mike Tornatore.  There has been a lot of interest from individuals wanting to build personal hangers at the airport.  As the City would like to embrace this idea steps need to be taken first.  Greg Skinner has reviewed the current airport survey and has stated that it is not adequate, and it will cost an estimated $2,500 to be updated.  Also, The City will need to visit whether the private hangers will be supplied city water, how long lease terms will be and an increase in the current monthly fee charged to airplane owners.  We are in the first phase of this project and will report more in the future.


Discuss Pool Update: Mike Tornatore The City is exploring other pool construction options and has met with two pool contractors to date. The city is also working with a pool consultation firm from Salt Lake City. This will be helpful moving forward and working with a new pool contractor whose specialty is pool construction.


Discuss New Dog Kennels for the City of Kamiah.  The current kennels cannot be used any longer, so the city is currently without a dog pound.  We need to find a new location and funding to create a habitable dog pound.


Discuss / Approve Equalization of pay for KFR- This was tabled until our next scheduled council meeting.


Discuss / Approve Shift Changes for KFR- This was tabled until our next scheduled council meeting.


Discuss KFR Monthly and Yearly Report: Billy Monahan- During 2023, KFR responded to 720 calls.  This is down a little bit from last year’s 801 calls. Billy informed the council that The City of Kamiah was awarded the Ambulance Grant in the amount of $208,000 and the city will be responsible for approximately $25,000. The Forrest Service gave the Kamiah Fire District a free type 3 engine. They have been working hard at keeping their spending and payroll to a minimum and they are doing a great job conducting weekly training.


Meeting Adjourned @ 6:34 PM


Next Meeting: January 24, 2023


“All agendas are posted in accordance with Idaho Code Title 74.”



___________________________                                           ____________________________

Betty Heater, Mayor                                                               Brenda Taylor, City Clerk