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City of Kamiah City Council Meeting Minutes January 24, 2024 @ 6:00 PM



City of Kamiah

City Council

Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2024 @ 6:00 PM



Mayor: Betty Heater

Council Members:  Genese Simler, David Redden, Scott Moffett

Guests:  See Attached Sign In Sheet


Mayor Heater called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM


Pledge of Allegiance


Motion to Approve Agenda was made by Council President Genese Simler and Seconded by Council Member David Redden. Roll Call Vote Genese Simler aye, Scott Moffett aye, David Redden aye.


Motion to Approve Consent Agenda Motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Council Member Scott Moffett and seconded by Council Member David Redden. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discussion Items:

Discuss Candidate for 4th Council Seat: Mayor Heater would like to appoint Kristi Sizemore to the 4th council seat.  She is currently on Family Leave and will need to wait until the meeting in February before she can be sworn in. Tabled until February 14th, 2024.


Discuss / Approve using CPA Zwygart John & Associates to do the City of Kamiah’s yearly audits.  We received an introduction letter, and an estimate of the cost is $14,000.  Mayor Heater will sign this letter and return to Zwygart John & Associates, a contract will follow.  Motion to use Zwygart John & Associate’s as the City of Kamiah’s Certified Public Accounts was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve Resolution 2024-01: Sale of 1999 Jeep Cherokee- The Mayor and Council discussed advertising this Jeep in the Clearwater Progress.  The opening bid will start at $3,000 and all people interested in purchasing the Jeep can bring a closed bid to City Hall Monday – Thursday 10 AM-4 PM.  Bids will be accepted until Thursday February 15th at 4 PM. Motion to run the ad to sell the vehicle was made by Council Member David Redden and seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve Grant to Extend Kamiah’s River Front Park Boat Ramp- Damon Keen is working with Mike Tornatore to obtain a grant for $115,000 to extend the boat ramp.  This will allow easier and safer access for motorized boating and other recreational activities. Motion to approve moving forward with obtaining this grant was made by Council President Genese Simler and seconded by Council Member Scott Moffett. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve Opening a Separate Bank Account for Kamiah City Fire and Ambulance: Vince Missman- Kamiah Fire and Rescue would like to separate all monies associated with the city, rural, and ambulance funds.  The Clerk has contacted Dan Coleman former CPA and Matt Jessup City Attorney about this topic.  We currently have a multi-fund software system, and this system already separates all funds.  There is no benefit or need to open a separate account, this will only double the work for the city clerk.  After a long discussion this topic was tabled until the next meeting.


Discuss / Approve Equalization of Pay for KFR:  Employees working for the City Fire and Ambulance were making wages ranging from $10.00 an hour to $17.00 an hour.  Many employees with the same titles and responsibilities were being paid less than others.  To make things fair, the city has agreed to bump up the hourly pay to $14.00 an hour for Drivers, $16.00 an hour for Fire Fighters, $17.00 an hour for EMT’s, $17.50 an hour for Advanced EMT’s, and $20.00 an hour for Paramedic’s.  The motion to approve the equalization of pay was made by Council Member Scott Moffett and seconded by Council President Genese Simler. Roll Call Vote: Genese Simler aye, David Redden aye, Scott Moffett aye.


Discuss / Approve Shift Change @ KFR- It was discussed to stop the 24-hour shifts and implement 16-hour shifts to help with payroll dollars.  The mayor asked the council to let the 24-hour shifts stay for our community.  No action was taken.


Monthly Maintenance Report- Due to the cold snap, the river was freezing making it difficult for the water to make it to the plant. Since it has warmed up the issue has been resolved, but public works has been dealing with several leaks all over town. They are filling potholes as needed and running the snowplow and sanding to keep our roads safe and clear. The wastewater plant is having issues with equipment being old and not working properly.  Attention will be required to update old equipment in the near future.  We are still having issues with people flushing wipes.  They do not break down and clog up the system so please throw them in the trash not the sewer.


Meeting Adjourned @ 7 PM

Next Meeting: February 14, 2024

“All agendas are posted in accordance with Idaho Code Title 74.”



___________________________                                           ____________________________

Betty Heater, Mayor                                                               Brenda Taylor, City Clerk