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City of Kamiah, Idaho Regular City Council Meeting May 8,2024 at 6:00 PM Meeting to be Held at Fire Hall



City of Kamiah, Idaho

Regular City Council Meeting

May 8,2024 at 6:00 PM

Meeting to be Held at Fire Hall

Mayor: Betty Heater

Council Members: Genese Simler, David Redden, Sherry Arthur


Pledge of Allegiance

Approve Agenda

Consent Agenda:

Use Park for Youth fest on June 1st,2024 YAB waiving the fee (Action)

Catering Pemit for Daniel & Judy Wait DBA: Kamiah Hotel bar and Grill May 27th,2024 (Action)

Meeting Minutes from April 10th Regular Meeting/April 10th Workshop/ April 17th Special Meeting /April 28th regular meeting/ May 1st Special Meeting (Action)


Discussion Items:

Discuss/Approve Monthly Interim Bills (Action)

Discuss/Approve Resolution NO. 2024-02 Ambulance Service Rates (Action)

Discuss/Approve Building Permit 1114 Hill Street Kamiah ID (Action)

Discuss/Approve Building Permit for 303 Main Street Kamiah ID (Action)

Agenda Request Sandie Daeges, 1. Where are you as far as budget is concerned? 2. Insurance for part-time employees 3. Street Sweeper hasn’t seen it lately.

Discuss/Approve Permission for open container on the day of May 27th EDW Brawler 4pm-11pm and utilize beer gardens and a road closure/Chamber/Kamiah Hotel Bar and Grill (Action)

Discuss/Approve A road closure 4th to 5th running along Idaho Street Closed from 3pm to 11pm for boat show in shine June 15th, 2024/Chamber/Kamiah Hotel Bar and Grill (Action)

Discuss/Approve 2019 Ambulance repair in amount of $2000.00 (Action)

Discuss/Approve Removing IIIA insurance from Council/Mayor (Action)

Discuss/Approve To move forward with the planning of de-consolidation of Fire/Ambulance structure. (Action)


Next Special Meeting: May15th 2024 

All Agendas are posted in accordance with Idaho Code Title74