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City of Kamiah Judicial Bond Hearing 08/24/2022 at 6:00 PM


The City of Kamiah will hold its Judicial Bond Hearing at 6:00 PM on Wednesday 08/24/2022. The meeting will be held at Kamiah City Hall and will also be livestreamed via City of Kamiah Facebook Page. 

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Budget Hearing For Fiscal Year 2022-2023


          FUND NAME    BUDGET FY 19-20 BUDGET FY 22-21 T FY 21-22 BUDGET FY 22-23
   General Admin $97,182.00 $93,320.00 $96,119.60 $98,000
   Law Enforcement $306,102.00 $250,000.00 $265,000.00 268,000
   Fire Department $61,264.00 $70,975.00 $73,104.25 $74,000
   Building Inspector $4,167.00 $4,000.00 $4,120.00 $4,000
   Animal Control $550.00 $14,398.00 $14,829.94 $15,000
   Airport $19,340.00 $21,460.00 $22,103.80 $22,000
   Flood Control $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0
   Library $3,438.00 $8,941.00 $9,209.23 $9,000
      $0.00 0
TOTAL GENERAL FUND $492,043.00 $463,094.00 $476,986.82 $490,000
 Streets $109,819.00 $231,417.00 $238,359.51 $240,000
 Ambulance $336,217.00 $503,763.00 $518,875.89 $509,000
 Parks / Rec $34,744.00 $85,880.00 $88,456.40 $91,110
 Tort Insurance $6,082.00 $0.00 $0.00 0
 Water  $532,851.00 $743,014.00 $765,304.42 $880,000
 Sewer $406,306.00 $476,717.00 $491,018.51 $507,000
 WWTP $202,508.00 $224,758.00 $231,500.74 $238,000
 Airport Courtesy Car $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0
 Sanitation $172,261.00 $197,227.00 $203,143.81 $200,000
 Water Projects $328,693.00 $0.00 $0.00 0
TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,621,524.00 $2,925,870.00 $3,013,646.10 $3,155,110
PROPERTY TAX LEVY                 
   General $200,310.00 $206,319.00 $212,508.57 $213,000
   Streets $20,815.00 $21,440.00 $22,083.20 $22,100
   Parks/Rec. $10,408.00 $10,721.00 $11,042.63 $11,000
   Tort Insurance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0
   General $492,043.00 $447,651.00 $461,080.53 $462,000
   Streets $109,819.00 $226,370.00 $233,161.10 $234,000
   Ambulance $336,217.00 $480,259.00 $494,666.77 $495,000
   Parks/Rec. $34,744.00 $80,992.00 $83,421.76 $80,000
   Tort Insurance $6,082.00 $0.00 $0.00 0
   Water $532,851.00 $790,454.00 $814,167.62 $758,010
   Sewer $406,306.00 $477,971.00 $492,310.13 $460,000
   WWTP $202,508.00 $224,946.00 $231,694.38 $220,000
   Sanitation $172,261.00 $197,227.00 $203,143.81 $200,000
   Airport Courtesy Car $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0
   Water Project $328,693.00 $0.00 $0.00 0
TOTAL REVENUES $2,621,524.00 $2,925,870.00 $3,013,646.10 3,155,110

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